Sinead Corey

Sinead Corey

TESSA Therapist

Service provided
Accredited Play Therapist

Sinead Corey is an Accredited Play Therapist and a Teacher in a Nurture Room setting. She has over twenty -three years’ experience in a primary school, where her roles include:

  • Nurture Teacher
  • Lego® Based Therapist
  • Head of Nurture
  • Head of Foundation Stage
  • Teacher Mentor and she is a member of the Multi-Disciplinary Pastoral Team.
  • Mental Health First Aider.
  • Delivering ‘Theraplay® Informed Practice’ to groups of young children.

Throughout her career, she has specialised in supporting children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Sinead works within a Nurture Room environment, where, in 2016 she was instrumental in gaining ‘The Majority Boxall Quality Mark Award’ for Nurture provision within her setting.

Sinead has experience in supporting children with Attachment Type Difficulties, Selective Mutism, and children diagnosed with ASD and ADHD. She has supported children experiencing isolation and bullying and has supported children to build resilience and develop social skills with their peers. Sinead has extensive knowledge of working with individuals and with small groups of children/young people and their parents.

As an Accredited Play Therapist, Sinead has worked therapeutically with children experiencing emotional difficulties in a range of areas, such as, anger management, anxiety, school refusal, low self-esteem, peer group difficulties, family separation, domestic violence and bereavement and also with children experiencing Secondary PTSD. Sinead is experienced with working with children who are fostered or adopted and is trained in Trauma Informed Practice.

Sinead has a particular interest in supporting children presenting with symptoms of anxiety and she aims to provide a safe, secure environment, where children can process their emotions within a caring therapeutic relationship.  Sinead appreciates the importance of liaising closely with parents/guardians to nurture their child’s wellbeing. Sinead uses Psychoeducation to empower parents/guardians by involving them in the Therapy process in order to build skills to further support their children/young people.

Sinead belongs to the PTUK membership body and adheres to their strict codes of practice including regular Clinical Supervision sessions, continuing professional development and clinical governance. Sinead is a member of PTUK Accredited register which is regulated by Professional Standards Agency (PSA) and monitors the standards and safety in Play Therapy.

Sinead holds an Enhanced Access NI Certificate and regularly attends Child Protection and Safe-Guarding training.

Contact information: please contact TESSA.

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