Love and Rage

Parenting courses 24-25

What is the Love and Rage Parenting Course?
Why are so many adopted children verbally or physically aggressive?
What are they communicating through their behaviour?
What is the impact of living with a traumatised child?
How do we stay calm in the face of our children’s overwhelmed and overwhelming emotions?

Love and Rage is a four-week programme offered by TESSA/Family Routes for parents of adopted children to explore these frequently asked questions. This course is aimed at parents of children who are struggling to handle and process their big emotions such as rage and anger.

Dates: Monday 23rd and 30th September, 7th and 14th October 2024
Venue: Family Routes Office, Unit 2, 18 Heron Road, BT3 9LE
Time: 10am – 1pm

Dates: Wednesday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th November, 4th and 11th December
Venue: Online
Time: 6.30-8.30pm

How do I sign up?
Scan the QR code or CLICK HERE to fill in the registration form.

Places are limited so please complete the booking form soon and we’ll be in touch to confirm your place.

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