Drama and movement therapy can be particularly helpful for people who become physically agitated as it can help to release physical as well as psychological tension.
Building a relationship of trust with your therapist is an important aspect of therapy as the relationship itself must convey safety. Drama & movement therapy uses approaches that are less direct than other therapies, so that clients can address emotional and behavioural issues in a way that can feel less overwhelming than more direct therapeutic approaches.
The therapist will use their skills to gauge the clients comfort zones and allow them to creatively explore feelings and experiences using drama, movement, puppets, body relaxation, storymaking, role play and play, as the client wishes. Therapists can work with groups, families, or in one-to-one sessions. Typically, dramatherapists work with children and young people on a variety of short and long term projects including working with children with learning disabilities, aiding trauma recovery, providing support for anxiety and depression and suicide prevention.
Dramatherapists work confidentially with adults and children. When working with children the therapist will have an initial consultation with the parents before the therapy begins and can give an update after every third or fourth session. However, with respect to client confidentiality, the therapist will only share with parents what the child is ready and willing to share at each stage of the process.